Monday, October 08, 2007

Frustration and Anticipation

Realising that you cannot always be in control is one of the key liberating feelings. No matter how clear a situation may be from one's point of view, it is still not the full picture. There can be circumstances that you are not even your radar. Factors, people, situations that would have not crossed your mind in a million years. Sometimes just you need to let things go. And let go in the confidence that what ever is meant to be, will be.

So I did just that. I took a long walk and then cooked through the frustration. I dusted off my Bill Granger Every Day cookbook and produced impressive interpretations of his Ricotta Hotcakes (recipe courtesy of and Creamy Mushroom and Prosciutto Pasta.

For the hotcakes I substituted white flour with wholemeal, adding berries to his standard banana garnish. And for the honeycomb butter, I melted New Zealand Manuka blending it with quality unsalted French butter. Delicious!

I sampled the hotcakes before quickly packing up and delivering both dishes to NY University Hospital. The new Mum needed nourishment, and for all the great facilities at NYU the food is nothing to brag about.


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